Japan Jungle. Japan Online.
Experience Japan from the comfort of home.
Founded in 2017, Japan Jungle connects users to content and merchandise surrounding J-Subculture.
Browse the website to view unique content and order items from Japan with no shipping/handling or currency exchange fees.
Otaku TV is the Live Stream Archive hosted by Japan Jungle. The OTV stream channel refreshes every 15 minutes with live user-generated content!
(The channel runs on Instagram allowing users to broadcast news, anime and live stream footage by tagging @JapanJungle in the caption.)
The Otaku TALK forum connects users to several categories of discussion/P2P including Video Games, Manga, Art and Anime.
Otaku TV is designed by the users and broadcasts content shared to the @japanjungle channel.
Tag @japanjungle to upload a clip instantly or submit a featured video by completing the submission form. Approved videos will receive credit.
Discuss and share content at the Otaku TALK forum. Click on the Members chat icon to send private/direct messages.
The Shop provides all of your weeaboo wants. Purchase exclusive merchandise and downloadable content.
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